Operation Snowman 2


**After Action Report (AAR) – Operation Snowman 2**

**Event:** OP: Snowman 2

**Area of Operations (AO):** Wasaga Beach Paintball

**Camo:** No Rules

**Members:** RAK-01, RAK-02, RAK-03, RAK-04, RAK-05, RAK-07, RAK-08, RAK-10, RAK-11, RAK-12


Operation Snowman 2, RAK-01’s maiden command beyond Select, saw Milibois members facing adverse conditions at Wasaga Beach Paintball. Executing a no rules camo strategy, the team achieved its objectives, securing the CP and maintaining a high player retention rate.

**Weather Conditions:**

The initial weather presented a formidable challenge with heavy rain, wind, and sleet. The deteriorating conditions prompted the abandonment of the original CP, necessitating the establishment of a new location. Despite the challenges, the team adapted, showcasing resilience and flexibility.

**Key Roles:**

– **RAK-02 (RTO):** Executed communication responsibilities effectively.

– **RAK-04 (Base Security):** Successfully thwarted two major enemy attempts on the CP.

– **RAK-03 (PL):** Led the platoon through victorious missions, overcoming communication hiccups.

– **RAK-08 (2IC):** Maintained the front line and flawlessly managed the mobile CP flag.

**Mission Outcomes:**

– 50% mission completion rate, emphasizing base security.

– RAK-04’s exemplary base security tactics demonstrated success, repelling enemy forces effectively.

– RAK-03 demonstrated leadership prowess, completing the MATH mission with RAK-11 despite comms challenges.

**Challenges and Lessons Learned:**

– Overemphasis on base security; future operations should balance mission completion and security.

– RAK-01’s communication overutilization; delegation to RTO requires refinement,  potential improvements in command loadout.

– RAK-04’s effective base security

– RAK-05 experienced mid-game weapon malfunction; consideration of secondary weapon required.

– Weather impact on non-Milibois players emphasized the importance of proper gear preparation.

**Noteworthy Moments:**

– Strategic mid-game plan to infiltrate the enemy CP succeeded, boosting morale significantly.

– Adverse weather conditions subsided in the evening, improving overall operational capabilities.


– Enhanced communication delegation to optimize RTO capabilities.

– Continuous fire in CP for warmth, with vigilant policing to maintain operational focus.

– Proactive discussions on CP cleanliness in future Snowman events for enhanced efficiency.

– Full utilization of Team Raven’s potential in future operations.

– Encourage a more vocal command presence to enhance coordination.


Operation Snowman 2 showcased Milibois’ adaptability and success in challenging conditions. The mission underlined the importance of refined communication, balanced mission prioritization, and the necessity of optimal gear preparation. The Milibois demonstrated their mettle, achieving victory in the face of adversity, setting a commendable standard for future operations.