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EX British Infantry VS Canadian Milsim (Red Road 2)
Watch RAK-15 video from Red Road 2.

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Worst Case Ontario attended Blackcell Promotions 8th iteration of Narco State, over 30 members from WCO attended and assisted with a winning result!
Narco State 8
Operation “Narco State 8” unfolded over two days, with the Yakuza and Racoon Squad working together to control the town, disrupt enemy activities, and establish pharmaceutical production and export capabilities. The unnamed enemy forces focused on breaking Yakuza/Racoon Squad’s control and completing deposits at the bank, escalating engagements across both days. Despite challenges, Yakuza and…
Operation Snowman 3
RAK-01 was tasked with organizing and commanding the event, successfully recruiting a team of 50 participants.
Blackline Simulations: Rotary Wing Training Classes 004 and 005
This year’s Blackline Helicopter Training Event brought together a diverse team with many new participants. The event was held over two days, with both days starting with staging and awaiting the green light to commence.
Operation Equinox was conducted with the primary objective of providing security and protection to the High-Value Target (HVT) at an undisclosed area for 36 hours. The operation involved the deployment of personnel from WCSC (Worst Case Scenario Contracting). Utilizing civilian clothing and low-profile kits, the teams operated discreetly to ensure the safety of the HVT…