NO NODS 2023


Operation “No Nods” saw Milibois execute a series of operations on Nov 5-6, demonstrating resilience and adaptability. Facing surprises like a military ambush and holding a village successfully, the team employed guerrilla warfare and distractions.

Key Events:

  • North Field Control: Milibois secured the North Field and held the village for most of the day.
  • Mission 2 Success: Successful completion despite a surprise military ambush.
  • Village Siege (Mission 4): Two-hour successful defense against multiple enemy attempts.
  • Airdrop Attempt: Challenges during the airdrop; RAK-02 taken hostage and executed.
  • Dinner Break and RECCE Forces: Post-dinner, RECCE forces engaged enemies in chaos and war crimes.
  • Peace Talks (Mission 07): RAK-01 secured talks, chaos resumed post-ceasefire.
  • Prisoner Exchange (Mission 8): Successful exchange; trap sprung by RAK-12 and RAK-05.
  • Guerilla Warfare (Continued): Night operations employing guerrilla tactics.
  • Dance Party Distractions: “Dance parties” disrupted the Military Command Post twice.
  • Second Village Defense: Successful defense with minimal resistance.
  • Intel Holding (Mission 12): Low point; strategic assault on intel holding resulting in casualties.
  • Nighttime Firefights: Intense gunfights until sunrise, Plaid identified Milibois for the military.
  • Extraction and Farewell: Successful exfiltration before the military, marking a glorious farewell.

Casualties and Injuries:

  • RAK-02: Taken hostage and executed.
  • Numerous raccoons lost during Mission 12.

Lessons Learned:

  • Emphasize cohesive unit structures.
  • Improve communication strategies.


  • Debrief Mission 12 for urban warfare tactics.
  • Leverage unconventional distractions strategically.


Milibois showcased adaptability and creativity in “No Nods,” employing guerrilla warfare and distractions. Despite challenges, the team performed commendably, concluding with a successful exfiltration and a memorable farewell to the PRZ AO.