Nightfall 12


**After Action Report (AAR)**

**Event:** Nightfall 12

**Area of Operations (AO):** PRZ

**Camo:** Alpha – Green

**Members:** RAK-01,RAK-02,RAK-03,RAK-04,RAK-05,RAK-07,RAK-08


Milibois’ inaugural Force Recon event proved to be a dynamic and challenging experience, marked by both successes and setbacks. The team displayed adaptability in response to unexpected changes in leadership and operational parameters.

Chronology of Events:

  • Morning Briefing:
    • RAK-01 was unexpectedly appointed as the Platoon Leader (PL) for Operation Nightfall due to the loss of the original PL.
    • RAK-03 assumed command with RAK-04 as the 2ic, after a quick team discussion.
    • RAK-01, taking on the role of PL, was assigned to control and hold North Field.
  • Initial Engagements:
    • Alpha quickly secured the village and identified Bravo’s Recon team pinning Bravo in the CP.
    • RAK-01 made a strategic decision to divert Alpha forces to support Bravo, successfully holding Bravo in their CP for over an hour.
  • Tactical Movements:
    • Due to ammunition shortages and combat ineffectiveness, Milibois had to fall back and was reassigned to a different sector.
    • RAK-01 later returned to North Field to find Bravo in control of the wasteland. A defensive perimeter was established around the village, leading to a slow and persistent attack on the wasteland throughout the day.
  • Medical Emergency:
    • RAK-05 suffered a severe injury, forcing a NO duff call and an ambulance response.
    • Despite the injury, RAK-05’s exceptional daytime performance was noted; however, he was unable to return for the remainder of the event.
  • Night Operations:
    • RAK-01 orchestrated effective night-time operations, harassing Bravo across North and South Field, resulting in the flipping of several flags.
    • Instances of enemy positioning near command CP were successfully thwarted by Rak-01 leading a charge and rallying Milibois.
  • Awards and Recognition:
    • Milibois fell just short of winning Squad of the Game for Alpha.
    • RAK-08 received the MVP of the Game for Alpha.


Positive Notes:

  • RAK-01 demonstrated effective communication throughout the event.
  • No reported weapon issues.
  • Despite losing three players to injuries, Milibois persevered for the entire 18 hours with minimal breaks.
  • Prospective members integrated well into the squad.
  • Successful use of RAK-02’s NVGs in their first event.

Negative Notes:

  • RAK-05’s injury highlighted a lack of responsiveness from game control regarding medical emergencies.
  • Being split up as a unit proved challenging.
  • Squads’ designated areas at the CP were disorganized due to proximity to other teams.
  • Point structure was deemed unfair towards Alpha.


  • Implement a more responsive and organized medical support system.
  • Explore strategies to maintain unit cohesion during unexpected leadership changes.
  • Advocate for clearer delineation of squad areas at the CP.
  • Request a review of the point structure to ensure fairness.

Prepared by: RAK-01