Narco State 7


**After Action Report (AAR)**

**Event:** Narco State 7

**Area of Operations (AO):** PRZ

**Camo:** WCO/Black

**Members:** All RAK’s were present / Occupied by WCO Mob Players

**Day 1:**

The operation kicked off with WCO positioned in front of a small enemy unit, facing initial challenges due to bad intelligence and inadequate equipment. Upon realizing the issue, all WCO members engaged the small unit, only to be pulled back to the CP immediately to rectify the situation.

Following the resupply, WCO, joined by all RAK members and friendly squads, unleashed chaos on the field, boasting a formidable force of over 30 members. Swiftly securing the north field with half of our forces, the other half infiltrated the garage, discovering and reclaiming drugs and money that were promptly returned to our CP.

The WCO mob, in collaboration with friendly forces, gained control of the entire field. Strategic placement of small units around the enemy CP disrupted their respawn efforts. Our commander directed forces to withdraw 50% of the field to confine the enemy.

Rak members established gun nests across the field, impeding enemy movements. Rak-01 successfully negotiated the sale of the cartel’s produced drugs, ensuring a last-minute deal with one minute left on the mission clock.

Capitalizing on field dominance, WCO members took an extended dinner break, enjoying the hard-fought victory.

**Day 2:**

Rak-01’s mission on day two involved securing a production location and efficiently producing cocaine for future sales. The entire RAK team, alongside Skunks, executed the task effectively, sifting, bagging, and selling the cocaine.

The cartel regained field dominance throughout the day. The RENTAL bois made their event premiere, delivering a stellar performance by eliminating numerous OPFOR and enemy players. Additionally, they successfully disposed of counterfeit diamonds seized from OPFOR, adding a significant victory to our achievements.

Despite a relentless battle from enemy forces, all WCO members on comms displayed exceptional effectiveness. The overall performance of WCO members, including RAK, was outstanding. Anticipation for future Narco events is high, building on the success and camaraderie experienced during Narco State 7.